Monday, July 10, 2023

Table of Links to Blog Posts

Defining "Practical Christianity" & The Epistemology (Way of Knowing Truth) taught by Jesus

Christianity as Fluid Adaptability not Fixed Dogmatism: Framing The Pneumatic Logos

> What is a Petersonian Christian? 

From the Original Church (Ekklesia in Greek) as Close Knit Christian Friendship Group (like a Fraternity) acting like a Real Spiritual Family to the Development of Pious Fakers , Pulpiteering and Megachurch Charlantry

The Practical Power of Utilizing the Bible's Literary "Energy" for Overcoming Nihilism and Achieving your Best Life

You Get Sad: The Nihilistic-Atheist Path of Sadness, Unhappiness and Despair & The Happier Way (At Least for Me)

By Your Example You Demonstrate True Discipleship, Not Reciting Dogma or Creed

The Core of My "Belief" being Centered in The Spiritual Spark (or Pneuma) & The Underlying Dimensions of Goodness Manifest through Ethical Algorithms 

> The Real Meaning of the Word "Gospel"

What Does It Really Mean to Follow Jesus? The Actual Ethical Way of Jesus and What it Means to Actually be a Christian

What Did Jesus Most Talk About & Focus On? It Might Surprise You

The Power of Brim-Brim Thinking

> The Case of Scripture Itself & Rejecting Literalism

 > Why the Bible being Mostly Allegory (including the Virgin Birth) does not Affect My Faith

Gary Wills on What Paul Really Meant & The Early Christ Communities

The Reverent Agnostic : A.J. Jacobs on, My year of living biblically

> The  Destructive Communication (i.e. Fiery Tongue) among many (not all) Nihilistic Secular Atheists compared to The More Healthy Ethic & Communication Ideals of Christianity

Type “A” Personality Types and Stress, Meditation, & Buddhist Monks That Can Dry a Wet Towel with Their Body Heat

The Counter-Intuitive Power of Christianity: Transforming Anger & Anxiety into Antifragile Christpower through "Christ OS" as if Virtue Software & Mediating on God's Spirit (Pneuma) as Breath and Monitoring your Breathing

The Art of Awareness and Letting Go to Let "God"

> The Meaning of Saying "Jesus is Lord" in Proper Context Means Caesar is not Lord (i.e. Not the Ethic to Follow by Example)

> Reframing "Demons" as Metaphors representing Pagan Gods as Dark Triad Energy & the Villainous Nephilim Characters as the Bullies of the World and Jesus as Strongman Superhero "Exorcist" Who Tossess Out Negative Emotional Contagion (Insights from Michael Heiser & Paula Fredriksen)

> We Are All One Human Family According to Science

Who am I? The Science of Who You Are—Your Grand Lineage & Cosmic Nature

[Win-Win] Tribal Leadership by David Logan on

Mindfulness Meditation: The Practice of Living in the Here & Now

Building Self-Esteem - Part 1: Acting Confident, Liking Yourself, & Getting Your Needs Met

Building Self-Esteem - Part 2: Self-Confidence Inventory Worksheet

Christianity as Fluid Adaptability not Fixed Dogmatism: Framing The Pneumatic Logos

  At this point in the year 2025, the most practical solution to my thinking brain and my desire for a steady spirituality is a simple belie...