Friday, February 7, 2025

Christianity as Fluid Adaptability not Fixed Dogmatism: Framing The Pneumatic Logos


At this point in the year 2025, the most practical solution to my thinking brain and my desire for a steady spirituality is a simple belief in an evolving Pneumatic Logos or Fluid Word, meaning some kind of divine material energy transforming and changing form through various man-made religious mythologies. In other words, no religious story or symbolism is literally true but it can nevertheless be thought of as a Divine Energy flowing through individuals, ethnicities and cultures, producing ethical algorithms that produces the Good. 

So that the pneuma as a universal Logos is like the Force in Star Wars and has been described by Nietzche's favorite philosopher Heraclitus, as well as the Stoics and Philo, the Johannine community, the Mormon Pratt Brothers, and Jordan Peterson. 

As Bruce Lee said, “become water my friend,” which can be rephrased as “become pneuma, i.e. become fluid and adaptable.” Become adaptive to the changing forms of religion and dogmas, policies, rituals and Creeds. All of which is transitory formations limited by time and space and culture and language and ethnicity and other liabilities of mankind; while the Logos is eternal Wisdom or what I call the Divine Operating Dimension (G.O.D.), like the Win-Win Nash Equilibrium for example.

 Another way to think of this Fluid Force is as transformium from the Transformers movies. This is actually a good analogy because according to biblical scholars the word spirit in the New Testament, meaning pneuma, is based in Stoic physics as an actual physical substance.  

From this point of view, the original God in the Heavenly Realm is not a particular ethnic or cultural deity, but the pneuma emanating from the Divine Power(s) or Higher Intelligence(s), became understood through the various cultural and ethnic peoples of the earth. For the Indo-Europeans, the pneuma was manifested through the mythos of the sky God and the radiant Sun, and for the Hebrews it manifest as Yahweh (Man of War), and then for Greek philosophers like Heraclitus it was the mysterious energy fueling the ongoing transformation of natural forms cycling into new forms. Even Charles Darwin spoke poetically of an original "pneumatic breath" being breathed into the first forms that gave rise to multiple evolved forms. 

So I see a consistent connection between all of these ideas and philosophies manifest in various ethnic and cultural forms, pointing to an original transformium-like, Star Wars Force-like, field of energy that is neither created nor destroyed but simply changes forms. This thus provides a secure unchanging basis for a personal spirituality, in that it's based in science and comparative religion, pointing to a synthesis of ideas based in something undeniably real.

Christianity as Fluid Adaptability not Fixed Dogmatism: Framing The Pneumatic Logos

  At this point in the year 2025, the most practical solution to my thinking brain and my desire for a steady spirituality is a simple belie...