Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dogmatic Religion vs. Scientific Spirituality

Keep in mind that by "religion" below I mean dogmatic forms of religion. I realize that there many forms of religion that are not dogmatic and do promote "spirituality."

I sometimes avoid the term spirituality because of the ambiguous confusion the term produces and the New Age baggage the term often carries with it, but I will use the term below for the sake of contrast. In using the term spiritual below I am not endorsing any particular belief system, and do not mean anything related to New Age ideas. When I personally use the word spiritual I mean "the sense of experiencing the transcendent, the numinous, the symmetrical, and the beautiful; the uplifting and the ecstatic; experiencing a feeling of interconnectedness; as well as wonder, awe, and elation; and occasionally experiencing getting out of my head and being in the moment, fully aware and alive free of egoistic mind-chatter." The most common way this is accomplished is through breathing prayers or meditation. In fact, the word spirit means wind or breath. So spiritual can be thought of as breathual, as a way to be present in the moment or connect with others through unified breathing states.  For those who dislike the term spiritual can simply replace it with their own term.

Here is how I personally view the difference between "spirituality" in general and "religion" (here meaning religious dogmatism). I have adapted the following from a couple of authors, see the link below:

- Religion seeks to bind and control the group. Spirituality transforms individuals toward voluntary harmony.
- Religion is of the human mind. Spirituality is about inner peace.
- Religion demands institutionalized ritual worship. Spirituality emphasizes joyful celebration through the ritualized reverence for life daily.
- Religion teaches about a God of jealousy, a God to be feared, a God of vengeance. Spirituality knows only the ineffable Great Mystery and a universe that gives and generates unconditionally.
- Religion demands fear. Spirituality seeks to alleviate fear.
- Religion seeks to manipulate. Spirituality seeks to transform through AUB states and empathy.
- Religion punishes. Spirituality heals.
- Religion claims to speak for God. Spirituality seeks silent communion with the  Ground of Being beyond thinking, that abiding serenity between dualities.
- Religion demands judgment. Spirituality sets the example to follow.
- Religion is preached and taught. Spirituality is shared and experienced.
- Religion controls with shame. Spirituality changes the heart through compassion.
- Religion pretends to know and answer. Spirituality senses, seeks and questions.
- Religion fears uncertainty. Spirituality embraces mystery.


Alternate version:

- Religion controls the mind. Spirituality frees the "soul."
- Religion shows us a controlling god outside ourselves. Spirituality reveals the power of Ultimate Reality in and all around us.
- Religion teaches fear, intolerance, and separation. Spirituality teaches joy, love, and connection.
- Religion shows us narrow doctrines. Spirituality shows us universal truths.
- Religion punishes and hurts. Spirituality affirms and heals.
- Religion frightens us with a fearful god. Spirituality affirms us with a giving Presence.
- Religion preaches judgment. Spirituality teaches compassion.
- Religion is taught. Spirituality is experienced.
- Religion controls with guilt. Spirituality energizes with hope.
- Religion narrows and restricts. Spirituality expands and illuminates.

The above is adapted from Religion Contrasts with Spirituality By Lani Walton and the Post by donwelty on the same page.

Note: This site focuses on non-dogmatic science-based awe, beauty, and interconnectedness. I avoid promoting anything “supernatural” or “otherworldly,” i.e. that which can’t be shared by all through objective evidence or universal experiences. I do not wish to argue against such beliefs and that is not my intention with this blog. Instead, I wish to focus on this world and promoting a science-based, uplifting approach to life for all regardless of your personal convictions.


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