Monday, July 10, 2023

The Art of Awareness and Letting Go to Let "God"

 * The following is a brief summary of the secular practice of Mindfulness, and Eastern wisdom as I understand it being combined with Christian Mysticism.

Be aware of your moment to moment conscious awareness of the timeless here and now and what theologian Paul Tilloch called the ground of Being.

Be more other-focused: living more aware of other's feelings and practicing compassion while improving the well-being of your fellow beings. By doing so you can let go and let God, for God is the energy that grows the Kin-dom (the Realm of Reciprocal Love), so that your generosity is likey to boomermang back to you. See:

The Power of Brim-Brim Thinking

Live in a state of radical uncertainty by realizing our universal inability to fathom the Ultimate beyond our limiting cognitive faculties and mammalian imagination and the dim lens of our perceptions. As the apostple Paul puts it to paraphrase him: we are all looking at reality as if looking a blurry mirror that distorts the true image of an underlying divine reality.

Letting go of...

- selfish attachments, needing to always feel right and prove other’s wrong, i.e. let go of focusing on always needing to be right rather than being more happy by acting happy.

- Avoid labeling others negatively, dogmatic/rigid ideologies, and tribal tendencies.

- Avoid craving the permanent afraid of the impermanent and the Trancendent.

- Work on not trying to control the complex interplay of cosmic laws and forces and the natural ebb and flow of the universe. Let go and let "God."

- resisting reality rather than accepting what "is."

Christianity as Fluid Adaptability not Fixed Dogmatism: Framing The Pneumatic Logos

  At this point in the year 2025, the most practical solution to my thinking brain and my desire for a steady spirituality is a simple belie...